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Grasshopper basics (part 2)

A series of points arrayed to create a tensegrity canopy with Grasshopper blocks alongside.
This session explores the live physics engine Kangaroo and based on real world examples demonstrates how to create a series of tensile structures. We will then introduce the environmental plugin for Grasshopper.

Command list and links

Kangaroo (Physics engine - Grasshopper plugin)

Kangaroo components with descriptions

Supporting files:

Example file ‘L10_Tensile membrane_01_Frei Otto’
Includes the basic tensile definition

Example file ‘L10_Tensile membrane_02_Anish Kapoor’
Includes the tensile membrane definition

Structural information on Anish Kapoor’s Turbine hall piece

Additional information on Anish Kapoor’s Turbine hall piece

Dan Pikers Kangaroo example files

Ladybug (Environmental - Grasshopper plugin)

Environmental Plugins and tutorials from the official site
Ladybug / Honeybee / Butterfly / Dragonfly
Detailed Ladybug tutorial
Ready made examples on Ladybug

Full list of commands available at

Joe Hazelwood-Horner
This tutorial was written by
Joe Hazelwood-Horner
Joe is a designer and maker specialising in digital fabrication.

Useful resources

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