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This session demonstrates how to use a series of photos to generate a 3D model. Through photogrammetry we will output 3D models of an Object / Interior space / Exterior space.

Commands and links

Photogrammetry checklist

Agisoft Metashape Workflow

1. Add Photos - Keep these in one labelled folder.
2. Align Photos - This process estimates camera locations within a 3D space.
3. Build Dense Cloud - Adds further data to the cloud of points.
4. Build mesh - Connects points of our dense cloud to create a mesh.
5. Build Texture - The original images are merged and wrapped around our mesh to create a photorealistic model/space. 6. Export – .obj format
7. Import – Rhino

Rhino Commands for editing the mesh

Scales in all directions uniformly

Rotates along our desired pivot point

Rotates in the orientation of our current Cplane

Turns a Surface/Polysurface into a mesh

Splits a mesh (You can split a mesh with another mesh)

An automation tool for fixing errors in meshes within Rhino

Agisoft & Scandy output supporting file ‘Giraffe_Photogrammetry_OUTPUT’

Full list of commands available at

Joe Hazelwood-Horner
This tutorial was written by
Joe Hazelwood-Horner
Joe is a designer and maker specialising in digital fabrication.

Useful resources

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